Papua New Guinea Customs Regulations

Papua New Guinea Customs Information

The following may be imported into Papua New Guinea by persons over 18 years of age without incurring customs duty:

• 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g tobacco.
• 2l of alcoholic beverages.
• A reasonable quantity of perfume.
• New goods up to a value of K250 (K100 for persons under 18 years of age) excluding radios, television sets, video cameras and tapes, music players and associated equipment.

Prohibited Imports
Drugs, pornography, firearms and weapons. Food items, seeds, spices, live or dry plants, animals, animal products and biological specimens need special import approval.

Prohibited Exports
Items made before 1960 require an export permit. Bird of paradise feathers and stone artifacts.

Papua New Guinea Customs Website: